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31.10. – 4.11.2012

     The first partners’  meeting of the project was held on 31st  October– 4th November 2012 in Varna, Bulgaria. As a host school we tried to organize variety of acivities  connected with the theme of the project and to represent  our town and country as well.

1st day- The participants took part in a meeting with local authorities in  Varna Munisipality . During the work meeting at school we discussed the strategy of our future successful partnership . Students from Bulgaria, Turkey , Poland, Spain and Czech Republic showed their ideas for a logo of the project and the winner was one of the Czech students’  offers . Bulgarian students launched the website  www.gamesfunknowledgefriendship.  A big interest and emotions  provoked  the workshop for folk toys. Our guests made their own toys from Bulgarian traditional materials and fabrics and that was one of the memorable presents for them from our country.

2nd  day- This was the day for sightseeing and fun. We visited the Archaeological museum and got knowledge about the ancient history of the town, had an entertainment with the dolphin show, went pass  along the sea and enjoyed the puppets in the Museum of puppets.

3rd day- The trip to the second ancient Bulgarian capital- Veliko Tarnovo, was uforgettable. Our guests saw the sights of ‘Tsarevets fortress’, the ethnological part of the town – “Samovodska charshia” and the monastery “St.st.  Peter and Pavel “ near Veliko Tarnovo.

4th day-  The main event of the project meeting was the Festival of folk games. This was the place and time all partners to show their results of pre-meeting activities .All students took part  in representing and playing the games from different countries. They  discovered how similar were the games of our parents and grandparents in spite of their different names. For lunch Bulgarian hosts  prepared traditional  dishes for their guests.



After landing  in Varna all host families were waiting for us. I stayed at Sofia’s home. Sofia's Family was very nice. Sofia's parents were very nice for me. I had room with Sofia (It was great!!). The second day, we started visiting Varna. We visited school. There we were playing games. We chose the logo of the project. Poland got second place. First place won Czech Republic. Then, we made dolls from wooden spoons. We visited Archaeological museum of Varna, next we drove to Daulphinarium and we could see cool dolphins’ figures there. The 3rd day we sightsaw Veliko Tarnovo. There was a castle. We had a nice chat with children from Bułgaria, Turkey, Spain, and Czech Republic. In 4th day there was a Festival of folk games. At the evening dinner we got certificates. There were all families where we lived for four days. I was sad because we had to say goodbye to everybody. Sofia and her family were very nice for me. We talk on Skype till today. I love her family and I miss them. In summer I’m going to the Bulgaria and I’m waiting for meeting Sofia, Yavor, Mrs. Dania and Mr. Chavdar.

Kasia Biolik, Poland

When we arrived to Bulgaria we were welcome very friendly. Every day our group had a nice trip, we drove to various locations.We had variety of adventures. I met friends from other countries:Spain, Czech Republic,Turkey and Bulgaria.This trip was a fantastic experience for me. Now I have a new friend Kiril. The flight was one of the greatest attraction for me. This school adventure I will remember all my life. It was nice to learn about other customs and European games. I can’t wait to visitors from abroad!!

Adrian Żelazo, Poland

The flight to  Bulgaria  was my first trip abroad without parents. The stay there was one of my favourite time in my life. I met new people from Spain, Turkey, Czech Republic and of course from Bulgaria. I saw new places like museums , dolphinarium ,  ruins of castle and church in Velico Tarnovo and lots of others. When I arrived to Poland I  thought ,, Bulgaria is a beautiful place, I’ll miss it ..                                                                                                                                        Maciek, 13 ,Poland

I have a pleasent memory of my visit in Bulgaria. People were friendly and hospitable. It was an interesting expirience to meet children from different countries. We made a lot of friendship (especialy with children from Bulgaria and Spain). During my stay in Varna I got to know that Bulgaria is the Land of Roses. In Varna we saw a lot of Museums and many interesting pleaces (for instance: Daulpinarium, Archaeological Museum of Varna). I enjoyed the food of Bulgarian kichen. During the last long dinner we could saw bulgarian folk-dances.

I have never forgotten this journey.

Anna Poloczek, Poland

    Actually, I was very happy to have this chance. I was proud of this travel. To see different places, to meet different people and to make new friends….  were very   good. I was far away home but I didn’t feel  lonely. The people I met  were very sincere and friendly.  I als wondered what they think about us. I liked Varna but I also miss  Turkey when I was there.                                                                        Love,  YASEMİN, Turkey

 Varna was very nice, I liked there very much. Their people were very good and sincere. They are as hospitable as Turkish people. I couldn’t  get used to their meal, their plate a bit bigger that ours.  The last supper was the best for me. We have fun all days.  I learned that we have some common games with them.  We loved our friends and families were  hospitable and funny. Love to everbody                                                                                                                                                           TUĞRAP, Turkey

I went abroad fort he first time. I was lucky to visit Bulgaria. It was a nice place. The people were very friendly. I didn’t have difficulty there. Everybody was helpful. I felt  as if I was in my country. My host family was kind and sincere. They made me happy. See you soon in Turkey                                                                                                                                                         DERVİŞ,Turkey

 It was the most interesting trip I have ever been to. I was afraid that I would have to stay in a host family alone without my schoolmates but my family was great and I got fond of them a lot! Anyway beeing alone in a foreign country and family made me a bit nervous. People in Bulgaria are very nice and welcoming. What I liked the most? The friendly children! The family which was looking after me during the whole time liked me so much that at the end both my little friend Kyril and his older sister cried when I was leaving the country. That toutched me so much! I knew I found new friends.

Barbora Hájková, Czech republic

  I have to admit that I was really nervous from the beginnig – a foreign country, shabby town with old looking houses and a family which I have never seen before… But when I met my host family and we came to their home my nervosity disappeared. After a great dinner full of national specialities we had a talk and I felt relaxed. I met many nice people on this trip, saw many interesting sights of Bulgaria and must say that it was worth it! It was a great experience for me.

Dominik Chrástecký, Czech republic

    I looked forward to Bulgaria a lot especially to the family. Beeing there was more than fine.People were friendly, pleasant and helpful and I would like to say thank you for everything again!                     I really had a good time with them! I have to say that I was shocked when I saw how Varna looked like. It is the third biggest town in Bulgaria and its condition is very bad – everything in grey colour, old houses, destroyed roads, wild dogs and cats on the streets… that was something new and interesting for me. All the trip was a great experience for me and I visited places I have never been to before.

Dominik Polách,Czech republic

I loved the trip to Bulgary because i like to visit museums, schools, different villages of other countries…I also liked the bulgarian food, and the girls that received us were very funny. The most i liked was when the police stopped us and we had to go to a hotel. There we ate pizza and we had so much fun with tle polish children. Next morning we were on the news…I liked the the delphinarium and i liked to live near my friend Cris,( Bulgarian people called her "Cristy"). So, if you go to Bulgary you are going to have lots of laughs". by Rafa, Spain.

I was very excited! But when I arrived there, I realized that I will like the experience. I liked so much Bulgary and the people from there, and from the other countries, specially the Polish. I liked a lot the activities we did, at school and at Veliko Tarnovo. I think that the best moment was when we had to sleep in the hotel, all together…It was very funny! The food was good and i liked it a lot. It was a fantastic experience and i wish that all the people could go!". by Cristina, Spain.

It was the first time i went to another country without my family. In Bulgary I had a lot of fun and a was very comfortable at my hostfamily  (and I say "Thanks to Bella and her family because they took care of me). The food was very good but the thing I liked most was the night at the hotel, all together, but the other activities were very interesting and nice. This Project was fantastic!". by Lucas, Spain.

I loved this trip to Varna, Bulgary.The people were very cheerful. The activities were very funny. When I went to Bulgary the first day i was very scary because it was very large of my house. The second day, with my teachers, my Spanish friends, Bulgarian people and all…it was really exciting to see new things and visit new places. This day i started making Bulgarian friends. Lubi and her family, take care of me. I was lucky to have my friend Rafa next to Lubi´s house! The best was the night at the hotel with the polish people and my best friend in one room! We had lots of laughts and smiles. Varna and the other places were very beatiful! We played spanish games with all the people, and we learnt how to play games from the other countries. I think it was the best time of my life!". by Cristina, Spain.

'I was best impressed by the meeting of the guests. The meeting gave me a lot of new knowledge with which I feel rich. The meeting was very useful in many ways. I was also useful with my  help for the arrangements before the meeting. I made a presentation. I learnt that the other countries have their own games which I liked very much.'

  Emre Halitov  VIth grade student, Bulgaria

' The working meeting in Bulgaria was a wonderful exerience for me because it was very interestig. I like the chance to get acqainted with children from other foreign countries. I was very happy because they liked our Varna, as well as the town of Tarnovo. We managed to get our guests to know a lot about Bulgarian traditions and they really liked them. What I feel myself rich is the knowledge got. We practised our English and learnt a lot about theit traditions as well. The most interesting for me was that they have similar to our games and I will always remember that when it happens to me to play them.' 

 Sofiya – VIth grade student, Bulgaria

'What impressed me most during the meeting in Bulgaria is the thing that our guests behave very well – the have good manners and are very friendly. The other thing is the games that we played together on the Festival on Games.'

Pollina VIIth grade student, Bulgaria

'The thing that I was mostly impressed by was the time we spent at the Dolphinarium of Varna. We enjoyed ourselves so much there! I was very happy to communicate with the others and I had to use English which was very challenging.I hope that one day I will visit our guests' countries and learn a lot more about their life.'

 Jordan VIIth grade student, Bulgaria

'I was very surprised to discover that we have so much similar interests, although we are from different countries! I learnt a few words in other foregn languages which was very exciting and useful. I learnt that we have very similar games, too. What was very amusing during the prearations for the meeting was collecting the games. Now I want to have the chance to play them together with my new friends!'

Plamen VIIth grade student, Bulgaria

" When I first met my new foreign friend, I liked her very mch. As her host, we had the chance to know eah other. We played , danced and had fun together. Her name is Saar Lopez from Spain. We used English to teach ourselves Spanish and Bulgarian. My new friend felt herself very comfortable as if she was at her home. I learnt a lot of useful thngs and hope that one day I will visit her in Spain.'

Darina VIth grade student, Bulgaria

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