“Combatting discrimination and bullying” is a project in KA2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”, section “Strategic partnerships for schools only” with a project number 2016-1-BG01-KA219-023713, funded by Erasmus + programme of the European commission

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The participating schools are:

-Gimnaziya s prepodavane na tchuzhdi ezitsi Yordan Radichkov, Vidin, Bulgaria – coordinator

-Argupamento de Escolas Alcaides de Faria, Barcelos, Portugal – partner

-Solski center Srecka Kosovela Sezana, Sezana, Slovenia – partner

-Serik Yunus Emre Anadolu Lisesi, Antaliya, Turkey – partner

Our project aims to promote tolerance and equal opportunities for students whose ages range from 9 to 19. The phenomenon of discrimination and bullying in our schools has increased dramatically over the past years. Students coming from different ethnic, religious backgrounds, as well as children with certain disabilities are often excluded from the group of the majority simply because of their being different. As such, alarming numbers of students choose to drop out of the schools they no longer feel comfortable in. The school is only a mirror of today’s society and these acts of discrimination happen at all levels, despite constant efforts of authorities, NGOs and similar institutions to paint a beautiful picture of the human diversity inside communities. People accept one another at a superficial level, but deep down they still feel trapped inside the unsound mentality that certain people are better than others by birth.

Our project aims to raise awareness of the dangers that suck mentalities cause in the long run and we have established that by doing this from early stages of life, our future generations will manage to truly become more tolerant and accepting towards their peers. Alterity is a concept that can help each individual learn a lot about his peers and also about himself.

The project logo:

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